Three Paths to a Productive Event

My Event Has to Go Virtual. Now What?

Early-stage Trajectories: How Marker Seven Enables Success
An exciting facet of Marker Seven’s service offerings is our ability to improve clients’ businesses holistically, not just from a product perspective. This is especially true for our early-stage clients who need guidance defining what market(s) to target – and how to engage them. Marker Seven’s internal business acumen, coupled with our close-knit relationships in the venture community, give us a unique ability to grow startups in ways that other agencies simply can’t.

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M7 Year in Review

Accelerating Great Companies
At Marker Seven, we’re privileged to work with companies of all sizes across a nearly infinite variety of vertical markets. But as a company with a strong entrepreneurial drive, we have a special affinity working with early-stage startups.
Don’t get us wrong, we love working with the big guys, too. Robust product suites, user research, refined processes, established brand guidelines, and clearly defined strategic goals – it’s amazing to work with clients who’ve got a lot to work with.

Klay Thompson, Sunsets, and Digital Distractions
Driving to work the other day I listened on the radio to Warrior’s commentator Jim Barnett recall some of his favorite memories from the now defunct Oracle Arena. I was particularly struck by his experience watching Klay Thompson’s mind-blowing, record performance of scoring 37-points in a single quarter. At some point during Klay’s barrage, Barnett said, he took off his headphones, stopped broadcasting, and simply immersed himself in the roar of the crowd.

Virtual Reality in Healthcare
Stepping into the Marker Seven office, your eyes may roam towards the floor and be greeted by two huge white eyes fixed upon you. But there’s no need to be alarmed. Our companion robot, Kuri, soon after it spots you, will surely roll on over to give you a welcome. Kuri continually reminds us that the digital world and reality are becoming increasingly intertwined. With Virtual Reality presenting new worlds and opportunities, it’s no wonder that the industry is expected to grow from $9.1 billion in 2017 to nearly $160 billion in 2021.

Agile Meet Agile
It is without a doubt that in the past few years, the agile method has changed how businesses function. The linear, waterfall way of approaching projects was thrown out the door in favor of a more flexible model. The idea behind agile originated in software development. The fast-paced, instantaneous nature of software meant that products and services had to be developed rapidly to keep up with this standard. The agile methodology evolved as a response to these demands. As a company established in 2000, we’ve had the opportunity to work with agile since its inception.