Staffing for Success

Part 4: Staffing for Success
In the past few articles we have looked at technical concerns from the type of solution you may need to have your best event, to constraints to be aware of when running the event live or on demand. Now, we’ll delve into staffing.
On top of managing a remote workforce for day to day concerns, many companies are faced with the task of staffing their now-virtual events. We’ll take a look at what this means, and questions you should ask to make sure you have covered all event components.
Do you really need to digitize the roles you’d have had in-person? Do you need an event manager, a communications professional, a dedicated IT specialist? Depending on the complexity of the event, the answer very likely might be yes. At the very least, regardless of event size, you will need a well-developed Run of Show and roles assigned to your existing teammates.
However, if your event needs to have both live and pre-recorded components, having an event planner as well as a director may be something you still need to consider. As with live events, if your structure includes keynote presentations, breakout groups or panel speaking, and table-specific social networking, this requires a layer of complexity that cannot be handled by one or two people alone.
Will someone be checking attendees in from a virtual waiting room? Will you have a go-to tech support person for attendees experiencing difficulties? Will you need an app and text messaging or email solution for sending links during the event so participants can either purchase products or make donations live? Will these be personalized links tied to each individual, or a general link for everyone to use? Will you need a tool that helps you see what monies are being brought in? Will there be other calls to action before, during or after the event, and how will you communicate them?
In addition to an event planner, what about an event director? Someone who will run the show behind the scenes, as well as an event emcee who will bring the audience back and forth between experiences? You may need a special graphics producer for specific backgrounds, or someone assigned just to make sure PPT presentations are forwarded at the correct times. You may also need someone responsible for monitoring and moderating a live chat stream or fielding questions for organizers or panelists. The list can become extensive.
Marker Seven can help you alleviate these concerns. Through our partnership with events and brand consultant Jan Berndt, we are ready to listen and help you find the best solution for your audience and goals. Contact us today to get started.
This is part 4 of a 5 part series.
Part 1: My Event Has to Go Virtual. Now What?
Part 2: Three Paths to a Productive Event